Dimmer switches work by restricting electric current to the socket. A standard incandescent bulb will emit based on the percentage of current it's receiving, and although the dimmers are meant to pass 100% current output when set to Max, sometimes, this could actually be slightly lower.
This fluctuating current could cause the light to think it is being triggered on/off really quickly and could therefore perform a hardware reset.
We encourage you to use LIFX in a luminaire on a standard light switch or in a free-standing luminaire that does not have hardware dimming.
Dimmer switches also cannot dim LIFX lights. Some dimmer switches can cause flickering of LIFX lights. LIFX lights are only dimmable through the app or integrations.
If your LIFX is on a circuit with a dimmer switch, and you are experiencing flickers or audible buzzing from the bulbs, please put your LIFX in a fixture that is not connected to a dimmer switch.