Using the Color Wheel and updating your color palette
Color and white temperature control are for fine-tuned adjustments to the output of your lighting. It can be controlled at either a group or individual light setting. Here, you will also find features such as Themes and Palette.
Using the color wheel
1. From the Dashboard, select the NAME of the light or group2. Slide your finger across the color wheel to change color, or tap an area to snap to that color
3. Slide your finger up and down on the color wheel to adjust the saturation level
4. Use the center slide to change the brightness of your lights
5. Your light will reflect that seen on the color picker
Updating your Color Palette
1. Select the three horizontal dots in the top right corner
3. To view Pallete swipe left to the final screen or tap the word PALETTE
4. Your new color will have been added to the end of the Palette list
Note: Palette is a great way to save your favorite colors and brightness to return to at any time.
Removing a color from your Color Palette
1. From the Dashboard, select the NAME of the Light or Group
2. To view Palette swipe left to the final screen or tap the word PALETTE
3. Long press a color from your Palette
4. Tap the 'X' that appeared on the color/s you would like to delete
5. Select DONE