This article provides basics about the "Advanced Options" field in the LIFX IFTTT integration. Use of the advanced options on an applet will override standard settings. Be aware of this, when using this feature.
Please note that applets using advanced options are not supported. If you have any questions about these options, please see our developer forum.
Incorrect syntax usage will prevent the applet from working. Please use the standard options in IFTTT when possible.
The syntax is:
[field 1]: [value 1]; [field n]: [value n];
The Advanced Options field will say which of the following fields are available:
Valid values include:
color: blue;
color: #00ff0;
color: hue:270 saturation:0.5;
See for more information
Decimal number between 0 and 1. Valid values include:
brightness: 0.3;
brightness: 0.75;
brightness: 1;
Number of blinks or breaths
- Whole number representing the number of transition cycles
- A blink/breathe effect can be interrupted by changing the colour of the light
number_of_blinks: 2;
number_of_breaths: 4;
Transition, fade-in and fade-out duration
- A decimal number representing the number of seconds: 3600= 1 hour
- maximum value is 157 years.
transition_duration: 2.5;
fade_in_duration: 45;
fade_out_duration: 3600;
ignore: power;
Use to change state of a bulb while remaining off, so the next time they power on, the bulbs will be set to a new scene/color.