[This article is only applicable to Kits with two or more detachable Strips or Sections. If your Lightstrip or Neon Outdoor Kit only consists of one continuous Strip, please contact support]
If you are experiencing flashing sections with your LIFX Lightstrip, Beam, Tile, String or Neon Outdoor product, please complete the following steps:
1. Turn on and off the power supply to your control unit for your current set-up
2. Complete this process for each individual section
If all of your sections flash/color cycle please refer to scenario D. If this is isolated to just one section or they all work as expected with your controller, please refer to the following matrix for the next steps.
Power | Controller | Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 | Action |
Good | Good | Good | Good | Good | Refer to Scenario A |
Good | Good | Good | Problem section | Flashing | Refer to Scenario B |
Good | Good | Problem section | Flashing | Flashing | Refer to Scenario C |
Good | Problem controller | Flashing | Flashing | Flashing | Refer to Scenario D |
Good | Good | Good | Good | N/A | Refer to Scenario A |
Good | Good | Problem section | Flashing | N/A | Refer to Scenario C |
Good | Problem controller | Flashing | Flashing | N/A | Refer to Scenario D |
Scenario A
Your LIFX light is working as expected.
Scenario B
In this case, it is likely that section 2 is faulty. Before contacting support please complete the following steps to ensure that everything else is working as expected:
- Turn off the power supply
- Remove section 2
- Connect section 1 and 3 with the controller
- Turn on the power and press the small button on the controller as demonstrated below
- If the sections work as expected, please contact support to report a faulty section, citing Scenario B
- If section 3 flashes it is likely section 1 is also faulty. Please refer to Scenario D for further instruction
Scenario C
In this case, it is likely that section 1 is faulty. Before contacting support please complete the following steps to ensure that everything else is working as expected:
- Turn off the power supply
- Remove section 1
- Connect section 2 and 3 with the controller
- Turn on the power and press the small button on the controller as demonstrated below
- If the sections work as expected, please contact support to report a faulty section, citing Scenario C
- If section 3 flashes it is likely section 2 is also faulty. Please refer to Scenario D for further instruction
Scenario D
Test each section directly with the controller. If one of them works, try plugging in another behind it, and refer to the correct scenario, based on the number of working sections, in the graph.
If you are experiencing flashing with each individual section, it is likely your controller is faulty. Please contact support to report a faulty controller, citing Scenario D